Friday, October 22, 2010

Charles Allen Dyer Is Being Attacked — Call To Action!

Charles Allen Dyer Is Being Attacked — Call To Action!

The Irish Family was torn apart and this isn’t the first time CPS has 
contributed to a wrongful taking of a child. Find another instance here
Get on the internet and do your own research. What you find there are 
only the ones that have been brought to public knowledge. This goes on 
more than any of us know. CPS has deteriorated to an organization of 
State sanctioned kidnappers. Let these families know that they are not 
alone and that we are behind them in their fight to keep their family together. 
You could be next!
It seems that all that has to happen is you’re ACCUSED of something and 
CPS comes in and takes the children. Due process is NOT employed, innocent 
until proven guilty is not even close to part of the equation. No opportunity to 
give your side of the story, defend against accusations, or face a flesh and 
blood accuser is given.
Currently, this situation needs YOUR action.
contact the Step-Father at:
Charles Allen Dyer
5819 Hope Rd
Marlow, OK 73055
Officials to contact regarding this situation:
Dennis Johnson
Sen. Anthony Sykes
Judge G. Brant Russell
DA Brett Burns

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