Sunday, October 10, 2010

The ADC Look-Back for IV-E

I finally found the proper terminology for "poverty is child abuse and neglect".  It is called the ADC Look-Back for IV-E.

Title IV-E is foster care.  In order to be eligible for foster care placement, the child must meet the funding criteria and those are the ones found in the poverty means test under Title IV-A, called ADC.

Here is Michigan child welfare funding policy published in March to address the Congress to remove the ADC look-back for IV-E provision, meaning, a child does not have to be poor to qualify for community-based services of Medicaid.

The shift is in play as this expanded Medicaid funding has already been approved.  The implications of these policies is that poverty will no longer be considered as child abuse and neglect and families will be able to access resources and services without having the child ripped out of the home, doped up, placed in a strange environment and parental rights terminated.

The beauty of this new philosophy of providing community-based services is that it is not only cheaper, but it actually invests in the best interests of the child and cures a community's health.

Michigan is really trying to get its act together.

Michigan DHS Change Priority Funding in Child Welfare 2010

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