Wednesday, September 8, 2010

God Told Bachmann To Protect Medicaid Fraud In Foster Care

It is election season and Minnesota Candidate Michele Bachmann is pumping up her character by reminding the public that she fostered 23 foster kids.

The most interesting point that needs to be made is that, before Michele became The Madame Bachmann, she was raised as an entitlement baby.

Madame was raised in poverty, by a single mother, who was supplemented through entitlement programs.  I believe the reason she is so supportive of foster care is because, if the foster care program was operating the way it does today, she knows that she would have been removed from her mother and put into foster care.  Poverty, or rather reliance upon entitlement programs, is considered abuse and neglect, the main cause for termination of parental rights.

Living in the fear of her mother's shadow of being poor, Madame Bachmann turned to the entitlement payments of foster parenting to supplement her income and endow her political character.
Now, keep in mind that she is absolutely against entitlement programs, yet is worthy of receiving foster care payments at some of the highest rates in the nation. Foster care is an entitlement program, funded through Medicaid.

Here is a quote from the Madame on ending Medicaid:

BACHMANN: Is the country too big to fail? No, the country can fail. We can, we’re not invincible. And we’re so close now to being at that point because the thing is, as Glenn Beck said last night, it is true. The $107 trillion that he put on the board. We’re $14 trillion in debt, but that doesn’t include the unfunded massive liabilities. That’s $107 trillion, and that’s for Social Security and Medicare and all the rest. You add up all those unfunded net liabilities, and all the traps that could go wrong we’re on the hook for, and what it means is what we have to do is a reorganization of all of that, Social Security and all. We have to do it simply because we can’t let the contract remain as they are because the older people are going to lose. So, what you have to do, is keep faith with the people that are already in the system, that don’t have any other options, we have to keep faith with them. But basically what we have to do is wean everybody else off. And wean everybody off because we have to take those unfunded net liabilities off our bank sheet, we can’t do it. So we just have to be straight with people. So basically, whoever our nominee is, is going to have to have a Glenn Beck chalkboard and explain to everybody this is the way it is.

Not once in the Madame's political career has she ever uttered the phrase "Medicaid fraud", but you can bet your bottom dollar she advocates for foster care in her campaign.

Here is a campaign question for queen of child welfare fraud, as she claims to talk to God:

"Did God tell you to protect the multi-billion dollar a year industry of Medicaid fraud in child welfare, and if not, what are you going to do about it?"

Minnesota Targeted Case Management 2007

Remember, these audits are based on small samples. The problem is much more pervasive.e.

Medicaid fraud in child welfare is a funded liability God told Bachmann to protect...from conception to the grave.


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