Friday, July 16, 2010

Remarks on The Fraud Enforcement and Recovery Act

The False Claims Act is an extraordinary mechanism of national defense by the people, to protect and preserve the economic security of the national treasury, that being the health and welfare of society.

In the economic spirit of law, it must be the individual who possesses the power of enforcement, an act of checks and balances.  The False Claims Act was written to be the visible hand of governance by the individual citizen.

It is the individual citizen who is transformed into the original source through the wrongs and harms of the fraudfeasor.  It is the individual citizen who, thus, must raise these claims for the good of society.

It is not strictly the duty of the Department of Justice to enforce law, as this task is limited in the scope of its resources.  The False Claims Act empowers a civic duty to regulate by sharing the power of this Act, not only with the States, but, also, with the individual citizen.

Even when certain States woefully fail to create effective False Claims Act, there is recourse with the federal False Claims Act, and so it shall stand in the face of these States which engage in various revenue maximization schemes at the cost of the individual citizen, an original source.

The Fraud Enforcement and Recovery Act (FERA) is narrowly tailored for the purposes of hearing the silenced voice of the people through an original source with a redress of grievance named the False Claims Act.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise therof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

The Bill of Rights: First Amendment

Remarks of Hon. Howard L. Berman on the Fraud Enforcement and Recovery Act of 2009, May 18, 2009

This will be the only way to end Child Welfare Fraud.

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