Friday, July 23, 2010

National Campaign to End Medicaid Fraud in Child Welfare

Inspired by the work of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services partnership with the U.S. Department of Justice Health Care Fraud Prevention and Enforcement Task Force uncovering the largest Medicare fraud scheme in the history of the country, I have decided to honor their work by uncovering the largest Medicaid fraud scheme in the history of this nation.

Unfortunately, there are challenges called "Confidentiality Laws".

According to the U.S. Administration for Children and Families Child Welfare Information Gateway, it states in pertinent part:

Confidentiality of Records
Under the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA), in order to receive a Federal grant, States must preserve the confidentiality of all child abuse and neglect reports and records to protect the privacy rights of the child and of the child's parents or guardians except in certain limited circumstances.2 All jurisdictions have confidentiality provisions to protect abuse and neglect records from public scrutiny. Confidentiality provisions mandate that such records are confidential, and many include specific mechanisms for protecting them from public view.

They only way to stop Medicaid fraud in child welfare is to tell on them.

Stop Child Medicaid Fraud

Your identity can remain confidential.

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