Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Utah AG Attacks Medicaid Fraud

Utah Attorney General Mark L. Shurtleff has filed on behalf of the state, for the people of the state, including, for the first time in the history of this nation, children.

What Shurtleff has done is to stand up and show the rest of the States Medicaid Fraud Control Units what it means to protect the best interests of the people.

The complaint centers around Utah's False Claims Act. Janssen and AstraZeneca marketed Seroquel and Risperdal with false research to target the poor, elderly and children. The brilliance of this strategy, even though the DHHS OIG entered into a corporate integrity agreement (CIA), the District of Columbia recovered its improper payments of Medicaid, Medicare and TRICARE. The total CIA was about $500 million.

Now, Utah is the first state to take the model for False Claims and transpose it. Let's watch the diffusion trendline and see how fast it takes the rest of the lazy ass Medicaid Fraud Control Units to step up and do something.

Out of all fairness, North Carolina has a Medicaid Swat team. I will put my money on Roy Cooper being the next to file. Anyone want to bet that Michigan will be the last to do anything because the Attorney General Mike Cox does not want to sully his reputation with wealthy pharmaceutical campaign contributors for his bid for the governorship, and the fact that the state administration does not have a damn clue on how to come into federal compliance with its operations in child welfare.

It does not matter that the CIA is stepping stone to tear off the iron curtain in child welfare. The only thing that matters is that it is happening and people are listing to me.

Utah Seroquel Risperdal Complaint

I wonder if the universities are going to stop pumping out false and biased research in child welfare, now.

Thank you, Mark Shurtleff, for protecting the children from the propaganda.  Thank you for joining me in rewriting the history of child welfare by ending Medicaid fraud.  You have touched my heart by saving the lives of many.

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