Friday, November 20, 2009

Wake Up Harvard and Expand Your Dataverse

Institutional corruption should be examined much further than financial interests, alone. Institutional corruption desperately needs to be investigated from the perspective of its research publications and databases.

It seems Harvard is attempting to participate in the emerging field of child welfare with a neotenous authority in its approach to the MCH Data Connect Dataverse. Research methodologies in child welfare have demonstrated itself to be suspect in the lack of inclusion, or even the acknowledgment, of systemic fraud, waste and abuse, well documented by the States and U.S. DHHS OIG audits. Until efforts are taken to analyze child welfare policies through the lenses of economics and law, Harvard, including the inferior child welfare research activites of the National Academy of Sciences, will continue to perpetuate the institutional corruption of biased research publications, funded by the corrupt policies of lobbying institutions.

The audits may be laughable, but you have to understand, they are conducted through sampling methods, only providing a snapshot of what is going on as a way of triggering either full scale investigations or"suggesting" internal improvements. Also, the tools operationalized to conduct these audits were developed under the guidelines of GAAP and/or GAGAS, so, as to the ability to provide a clearer picture into what is actually going on in a public system, little is to be expected. Couple this with a lack of resources and abilities to properly conduct a full scale public investigation, you are only left with a public Kodak moment.

This is why we have the qui tam, the people's audit. Let's dust it off and use it for what it was designed to do.

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