Yes, that is correct, the FBI loves its porn and is pretty good at writing it, too.
Not only that, our national Super Smarty Pants (the global collection) likes to bleachbit history.
Yes, Martin Luther King, Jr. was human, just like everyone else.
Yes, Martin Luther King, Jr. lived in a culture where the church could do nothing wrong, where women are still, to this very day, per christian law, chattel of the man, servants to god which is why the FBI will never intervene, just like when children are raped, drugged, beaten, tortured under the auspices of state private child welfare contracted foreign corporations like the Vatican.
But I digress.
Martin Luther King, Jr. only endorsed one politician and that was John Conyers, Jr., which makes the release of this biography, without any of the FBI sealed audio tapes, suspect, but I guess we shall have to just await the uncloaking of the tapes, letters, pictures and videos.
John Conyers, Jr. probably has the largest dossier in the history of mankind because Roger Stone was the one who put him on the top 20 of Nixon's Enemies List.
We should ask Roger about advocating for my Sweetie's living, breathing dossier to be uncloaked during impeachment proceedings.
That is going to be fun when impeachment hearings commence because the U.S. educational system will be forced to trash centuries of its bleachbitted textbook propaganda and its pedagogies of imparting fallacious political, economic, and social theories of chattel law because we are going blockchain and "if you do not want your dirt to come out, then do not do it" will be the new self-help therapy de jure.
This is also the reason why everyone in D.C. is so reluctant to call for the impeachment of Trump because these very same "Legal Geniuses" (trademark pending) who built a dossier on MLK and Conyers, used the very same transposable model on Trump, and did not even bother to dust it off.
MLK did lots more stuff in Detroit, but I guess everyone will just have to wait for me to tell those tales because no one else will, because I am the Celestial Goddess of Woodshed.
I wonder if David Garrow interviewed anyone from Detroit?
Probably not because there was no mention of my Sweetie and he did not contact me.
They like to use MLK for psyoptics for stealin' all the time.
They like to use MLK for psyoptics for stealin' all the time.
So, withou further adieu, present to you the next #coloredrevolution psyoptic because we are in Detroit and Trump is still obstructing justice by letting that IG Report burn in his back pocket.
Sealed FBI audio tapes allege Martin Luther King Jr had affairs with 40 women and watched while a friend raped a woman, a report claims
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"Where do you think they got the Trump dossier idea?" |
- FBI documents from the 1960s allege Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. had affairs with 40 women and stood by as a friend allegedly raped a woman, a new report claims.
- An article by King biographer David Garrow to be released on Thursday in Standpoint magazine will detail the FBI memos, The Sunday Times of London reported.
- Garrow claims the memos say King engaged in orgies, solicited prostitutes, and "looked on and laughed" on as a pastor he knew raped a woman.
- The memos were part of a huge US National Archives data-dump in early 2019.
- The FBI secretly recorded King in a yearslong effort to discredit him. The tapes themselves remain under seal in the US National Archives. And Garrow's article was rejected by more prominent news outlets. So the story carries many unanswered questions about the accuracy of the FBI material.
- The King Center, which chronicles King's life, is yet to comment on the allegations.
- This article contains details that some readers may find upsetting
- Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.
Documents describing secret FBI recordings allege Martin Luther King Jr. had affairs with 40 women and watched on as a pastor raped a woman in the 1960s, a new report claims.
According to the Times of London, an article set to be published in the June edition of UK magazine, Standpoint, written by King biographer David Garrow details newly released FBI memos which discuss the tapes.
The tapes — sealed until 2027 in the US National Archives — hold recordings from bugs placed in hotel rooms King used in the 1960s when they suspected his aide, Stanley Levison, was a Communist.
Business Insider has contacted The King Center for comment on the report, but is yet to receive a response.
The tapes were made as part of an illegal FBI surveillance project that began in 1955 and continued until King was assassinated in 1968. The FBI was trying to gather negative information about King in hopes of using it to discredit him. FBI director J. Edgar Hoover was personally obsessed with bringing down King.
Given that context — and given Garrow's lack of access to the tapes themselves, in addition to the fact that the Standpoint article has yet to be published — Garrow's claims raise questions about the accuracy of the evidence and the motives of the FBI agents who created the documents. In a separate article describing the magazine's rationale for publishing the story, Standpoint's acting editor Michael Mosbacher says Garrow's work was previously rejected by The Guardian, The Atlantic and The Washington Post. A number of unnamed conservative magazine in the US also shied away.
Mosbacher does not explain why they rejected it, although he implies they felt it was too controversial.
Mosbacher does not explain why they rejected it, although he implies they felt it was too controversial.
However, Garrow's 1986 biography of King won the Pulitzer Prize, so his new material will be difficult to ignore.
Garrow writes that the FBI bugged two lamps in King's room at the Willard Hotel, Washington, in January 1964, the Times said.
According to the Times, a memo accompanying the tape describes how King "looked on and laughed" as a pastor of Baltimore's Cornerstone Baptist church allegedly raped a woman in the hotel room. The pastor died in 1991.
The FBI documents describe a conversation in which King "discussed which women among the parishioners would be suitable for natural and unnatural sex acts," the Times wrote, referring to Garrow's article.
"When one of the women protested that she did not approve, the Baptist minister immediately and forcibly raped her," the Times wrote, quoting the FBI documents.
Garrow notes the FBI agents did not intervene during the alleged rape.
According to Garrow's article, which quotes the documents: "At the same hotel the following evening, King and a dozen other individuals "participated in a sex orgy"."
"When one of the women shied away from engaging in an unnatural act, King and several of the men discussed how she was to be taught and initiated in this respect. King told her that to perform such an act would 'help your soul'," the Times quoted from a memo.
King's alleged infidelity to his wife Coretta Scott King has been documented before, but never on the scale alleged by Garrow. He "always thought there were 10-12 other women," he told the Times. "Not 40-45."
Garrow says the new information "poses so fundamental a challenge to his historical stature as to require the most complete and extensive historical review possible."
Garrow's article will contain several other allegations about King's conduct, the Times wrote.
Garrow writes that in 1964 William Sullivan, then-assistant director of the FBI, wrote a memo which paraphrased a recording of King.
In it, King reportedly jokes he's launched the "International Association for the Advancement of Pussy Eaters"."
One other FBI memo is said to describe a prostitute recounting an alleged sexual encounter she had with King and another woman in the Sands Hotel, Las Vegas, in April 1964.
According to the Times, the memo states King called a friend to "get your damned ass down here because I have a beautiful white broad here."
King and the two women had sex, the FBI memo allegedly records the prostitute as saying, and when King's friend showed up King "watched the action from a close-by position" as they too had sex.
The memo quotes the prostitute saying she was "getting scared as they were pretty drunk and using filthy language," the Times said.
She told an FBI interviewer it was "the worst orgy I've ever gone through," the Times wrote.
King was the rallying point for the US civil rights movement from December 1955 until April 1968, when he was assassinated in Memphis, triggering riots in cities all across the US.
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