
Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Cocktails & Popcorn: Brett Kavanaugh, Medicaid Fraud In Child Welfare & Russia

George Bush, indeed, chose the right obsequious sycophant for the job.

Oh, you though Trump picked him?

Nah, Trump was "advised" to pick Kavanaugh.

I will go out there and even say that all Kavanaugh's rulings were "from his private advisors", too!

I only say this because he seems not to be the most eloquent human I have encountered in the legal profession.

Seriously, count how many words he used that contained more than three syllables.

Kavanaugh pitched some 17th century theistic rhetoric which, of course, was devoid of any modern understanding of antenatal biomedical science and technology, like one would take to referring to one's genitals as "pee-pees".

Dare I even raise the issues surrounding personhood, which only deals with asset forfeiture to a private, parent corporation, when it comes to the abortion arguments, no one wants to mention, but me, when it comes to issues on chattel law, which is the premise to privatization by stripping civil rights, in the name of the tax exempt god.

Orin Hatch slammed Kavanaugh on being on the 9th Circuit email chains.

Kavanaugh came back with a "#Me2" response, which had absolutely nothing to do with passing around nasty ass emails using federal, secured email systems, because he had lots of women he supported as clerks.

Yup.  Lots of female clerks, and community moms from his church -  nice PR move.

Good thing he did not promote women for judicial appointments, or promote a woman's right to gestate, or a mother's right to stop the trafficking of their children who have been Legally Kidnapped by Catholic Charities, raped, beaten, tortured in foster care, then sold through adoption, (only if the kid lived through foster care this long), but we can probably find out in the rest of his emails, if they are ever released to the public.

Then, Kavanaugh start spewing words on regulation like how congress passes policy.

Congress passes law, not policy, which is done in the Executive Branch.  Duh.

Someone does not understand the Chevron doctrine because it was nothing but a tool to format the powers of privatization for those Public Private Partnerships to run their own, privatized administrations of federal funding, intentionally stripping the civil rights of due process.

Then, Leahy smashed him on using his very own stolen, classified emails, by, passed on to the Bush White House Administration, when Kavanaugh was running the ship, for judicial nomination decisions .

This is when there was a very uncomfortable, eerie silence with Kavanaugh, oh, and lots of water sipping, his strong point.

Then, Leahy continues by asking about meeting with outside individuals, sharing more classified intelligence with Miranda, snatched out of Judiciary Committee.

Lindsey Graham was in rare form, on point, hitting Kavanaugh on his relationship with Catholic Charities.

Kavanaugh defended practices of Catholic Charities, expressing in detail, how he "helps out people and children who need help". (a.k.a. Foster care and Adoption, or rather "Trafficking Tiny Humans").

He probably had his talking points from the American Enterprise Institute, the privatization policy home of the Madame Maura Corrigan (said in a high British accent).

Well, I guess he will be recusing himself on just about all the cases coming before SCOTUS.

How does Kavanaugh wish to be remembered as a Justice of SCOTUS?

Well, he said as a "good dad, a good husband..." and absolutely nothing about civil rights, due process, the rule of law, equal treatment under the law, justice, and nothing about the people, but alot about himself.

I could go on about the Florida "chads" or other situations of his White House career, but, instead, I am just going to put it out there that it looks like he will be recusing himself on just about all the SCOTUS docket that will be coming up for 2019 based on his own stare decisis on that god-awful "attorney-client privilege", particularly when it comes to Whitewater.

See, he argued on behalf of the United States to strip attorney-client during Whitewater.

The Independent Counsel (Kavanaugh) argues that the attorney-client privilege should not prevent disclosure of confidential communications where the client has died and the information is relevant to a criminal proceeding. 

Learn more: BEVERLY TRAN: Do The "Legal Geniuses" Of The Detroit Land Bank Authority Have An Attorney Client Privilege Issue Like Trump & Stormy?
Stop Medicaid Fraud in Child Welfare 

Whitewater is back on the table, which means he would have to redo all his own, wonder, opinions in his court.

That is going to be awkward, yet, oddly entertaining watching the "Legal Geniuses" (trademark pending) squirm their way out of responding to the Catch-22 of using their own lower court decisions against themselves.

I have yet to even mention that there is a possibility that he will be called to testify about his time in the Bush Administration and its launch of privatization through Faith Based Funding slush funds.

Anyway, for the following reasons, besides the fact that the Senate already had a lockdown on the nomination before the hearings, I support his nomination so we can put him on the stand on his cover up and profiting in the industry of Trafficking Tiny Humans.

Kavanaugh sat on the appeals panel for the False Claims Act case, dealing with Medicaid Fraud in Child Welfare, reversing so the lower court could issue opinion on the tolling of the statute provision of the Act, because the court sided with MAXIMUS covering up Medicaid Fraud in Child Welfare on behalf of the private contractor.

The kids got screwed, or rather the privatized agencies covered up the Trafficking of Tiny Humans with the assistance of Kavanaugh.

I wish someone Lindsey would ask him about that.

Did I emphasize that MAXIMUS was engaging in Medicaid Fraud in Child Welfare?

Oh, I did?

Well, did I tell you about MAXIMUS GOODLATTECUS and how MAXIMUS funds political campaigns with all that Medicaid Fraud in Child Welfare? 

Ok, fine.

Did I tell you about MAXIMUS, being all Russian Corporate Shape Shifting, with all its children's trust funds?


Well, click here to learn about MAXIMUS.

(Can you tell I have an issue with MAXIMUS?)

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