Thursday, January 9, 2020

OVERSIGHT: Hearing On Why No One Understands Citizenship & Unreported Targeted Populations

Oh, joy!

Image result for peter griffin race card
U.S. Census tool for race counting
The U.S. House Oversight Committee on the 2020 Census to get an accurate account, but everyone has failed on two fronts, the first being labeling of the variable of race.

Now, I am going to have to have someone provide me with the operationalization of the tools for measurement of race.

I was always told race was determined by the enumerator, per OMB Directive 15 but I ended up finding the legal tool for it.

Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
Race and Ethnic Standards for Federal Statistics
and Administrative Reporting
(as adopted on May 12, 1977)
This Directive provides standard classifications for record keeping, collection, and presentation of data on race and ethnicity in Federal program administrative reporting and statistical activities. These classifications should not be interpreted as being scientific or anthropological in nature, nor should they be viewed as determinants of eligibility for participation in any Federal program. They have been developed in response to needs expressed by both the executive branch and the Congress to provide for the collection and use of compatible, nonduplicated, exchangeable racial and ethnic data by Federal agencies.
1. Definitions
The basic racial and ethnic categories for Federal statistics and program administrative reporting are defined as follows:
American Indian or Alaskan Native. A person having origins in any of the original peoples of North America, and who maintains cultural identification through tribal affiliation or community recognition.
Asian or Pacific Islander. A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, the Indian subcontinent, or the Pacific Islands. This area includes, for example, China, India, Japan, Korea, the Philippine Islands, and Samoa.
Black. A person having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa.
Hispanic. A person of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Central or South American or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race.
White. A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, North Africa, or the Middle East.
2. Utilization for Record keeping and Reporting
To provide flexibility, it is preferable to collect data on race and ethnicity separately. If separate race and ethnic categories are used, the minimum designations are:
-- American Indian or Alaskan Native
--Asian or Pacific Islander
--Hispanic origin
--Not of Hispanic origin
When race and ethnicity are collected separately, the number of White and Black persons who are Hispanic must be identifiable, and capable of being reported in that category.
If a combined format is used to collect racial and ethnic data, the minimum acceptable categories are:
--American Indian or Alaskan Native
--Asian or Pacific Islander
--Black, not of Hispanic origin
--White, not of Hispanic origin.
The category which most closely reflects the individual's recognition in his community should be used for purposes of reporting on persons who are of mixed racial and/or ethnic origins.
In no case should the provisions of this Directive be construed to limit the collection of data to the categories described above. However, any reporting required which uses more detail shall be organized in such a way that the additional categories can be aggregated into these basic racial/ethnic categories.

This was about the same time the term "African-Americans" came to be fashionable.

The African-Americans, a term Jesse Jackson coined, needs to told as his tale. 
 If Africa is a continent, and the United States is a nation, does that mean African Americans have dual citizenship or are these votes disqualified under Voter ID laws?
 Not everyone from the continent of Africa is of the darker persuasion. 
Not everyone of the darker persuasion is from Africa. 
If Colored Person A procreates with Colored Person B, producing Colored Offspring X; and, Colored Person C procreates with Colored Person D, producing Colored Offspring Y; where, Colored Offspring X and Colored Offspring Y procreate to produce Colored Offspring XY, does the zygote qualify for reparations?
Image result for royal family prince harry christmas card
"Will I be counted as an African-American?"
Here is an example of law that allows the U.S. to label one, based upon the status of the mother, Partus Sequitur Ventrum, more readily understood as the one-drop rule of property ownership under the law of chattels.

An Act to Preserve Racial Integrity 
loco parentis

Every local registrar may, as soon as practicable, have such registration certificate made by or for each person in his district who so desires, born before June fourteen, nineteen hundred and twelve, for whom he has not on file a registration certificate, or a birth certificate. 
2. It shall be a felony for any person wilfully or knowingly to make a registration certificate false as to color or race. The wilful making of a false registration or birth certificate shall be punished by confinement in the penitentiary for one year.
3. For each registration certificate properly made and returned to the State Registrar, the local registrar returning the same shall be entitled to a fee of twenty-five cents, to be paid by the registrant. Application for registration and for transcript may be made direct to the State Registrar, who may retain the fee for expenses of his office.
4. No marriage license shall be granted until the clerk or deputy clerk has reasonable assurance that the statements as to color of both man and woman are correct. 

If there is reasonable cause to disbelieve that applicants are of pure white race, when that fact is stated, the clerk or deputy clerk shall withhold the granting of the license until satisfactory proof is produced that both applicants are "white persons" as provided for in this act. 

The clerk or deputy clerk shall use the same care to assure himself that both applicants are colored, when that fact is claimed. 
5. It shall hereafter be unlawful for any white person in this State to marry any save a white person, or a person with no other admixture of blood than white and American Indian. For the purpose of this act, the term "white person" shall apply only to the person who has no trace whatsoever of any blood other than Caucasian; but persons who have one-sixteenth or less of the blood of the American Indian and have no other non-Caucasic blood shall be deemed to be white persons. All laws heretofore passed and now in effect regarding the intermarriage of white and colored persons shall apply to marriages prohibited by this act. 
6. For carrying out the purposes of this act and to provide the necessary clerical assistance, postage and other expenses of the State Registrar of Vital Statistics, twenty per cent of the fees received by local registrars under this act shall be paid to the State Bureau of Vital Statistics, which may be expended by the said bureau for the purposes of this act.  
7. All acts or parts of acts inconsistent with this act are, to the extent of such inconsistency, hereby repealed. 

If one is "not colored", does that make them invisible, and if they are invisible, how can you count them?


I have a better suggestion to get a better count of our U.S. population.

How about answering this question:

Now, what is the citizenship of the foster kid?
So, if a child is a citizen of Guatemala crosses the Mexican-U.S. Border, to be taken into U.S. custody and placed under a privatized, state contracted child placing agency like Bethany Christian, a Michigan licensed business entity, which is under the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, a foreign corporation, where that child is processed through the policy, not law, like DACA & DAPA, of the Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children under the legal aegis of the contracting state Child Placing Agency, qualifying the child for Targeted Case Management billing reimbursement of Medicaid for the purposes of concurrent case planning to fast track Termination of Parental Rights for adoption, which includes a new identity and an issued Social Security Number, what is the citizenship of that child and what happens with the original identity?

"Taking an inventory of his wealth"
So, instead of listening to the dribbled of ignorance of this hearing, I would like to inform "The Elected Ones" that we did not count the babies until the early 20th Century, but do not tell them that because the lord was the keeper of the record.

The church record of the birth, not the certificate.

Then, no one is talking about the live and dead births certificates.

No one is talking about Foster Care and Adoption.

No one is talking about those fake identities after termination of parental rights over the children, hailing from "The Poors" (always said with clinched teeth).

Here is a synoptic overview on how they child welfare industry can multiple a child's identity to maximize revenues".

So, if the U.S. conjures up their own laws on how to count "The Poors" (always said with clinched teeth), will it be challenged by the Holy See because it does not have any legal congruency, outside the U.S.?

That would be fun!

Again, to keep with my ad nauseum theme of coming up with new and improved ways of trying to get people to understand that the residuals of the peculiar institution are alive and thriving for the simple fact that slavery was never, ever abolished, I shall close out this round of castigation with one of my favorite taglines.


Who owns the child because corporations are people, too.

This is about the children's trust funds.

Since, we are building a meshed Wall, just like the Vatican has a Wall, who is the parent of data?

US to start collecting DNA from people detained at Detroit border

If I throw in Voting Rights, I believe some of the "Elected Ones" may experience the stigmata.

Image result for too complicated stimata
"But, if we do not salvage the souls of the savages,
how can we promulgate law to procure & purvey tiny humans
for revenue maximization in the name of the tax exempt god?"
Voting is beautiful, be beautiful ~ vote.©

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