
Saturday, May 11, 2019

Lalanea Little-Tobeler Tells Her Story Of Michigan Corporate Parental Rights In Trafficking Tiny Humans - Happy Foster Care Propaganda Month

This is Lala.

Everyone remembers Lala.

Michigan legally kidnapped her, then when she grew up, Michigan legally kidnapped and sold her children.

Lala tells her story of how Michigan traffics tiny humans through corporate parental rights of privatization when it comes to the only legal source of income the survivors of the Michigan Child Welfare System are able to secure, Social Supplemental Income.

Listen to Lala.

Lala is an original source.

Lala is a subject matter expert.

Lala wants her kids back.

Lala's tiny humans were trafficked by Michigan.

Typically, for most youth who age out the system, it is either SSI or a life on the streets that has been so flowerfully coined as human trafficking.

Yes, that is correct, there is lots of money to be made when it comes to stealin' the personae of children in foster care who are wards of the state.

I saw the Social Security Administration green screens back in the days, right after the passage of the Paperwork Reduction Act, which was used as a paper shredding opportunity for Administrative records on how Michigan was intercepting SSI payments of children in foster care and sending it to a bank out in Berkley, California, but I digress.

When you are a ward of the state, the state, more specifically, the Michigan Children's Institute becomes the legal guardian, where one person has legal guardianship over 10,000 children in care.

But now, Michigan is allowing corporations to file gurardianship over children in the care of the state, without any due process because children have no civil rights.

That is the basis of the Michigan Children's Rights case that Nancy Edmunds fails to understand the concept of Medicaid fraud in child welfare, or rather the trafficking of tiny humans, from CPS to adoption, or a life like Lala's.

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