
Friday, September 22, 2017

Center For American Progress Detroit Child Care Desert Study Sucks

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Center for American Progress Sucks
Ahhhhh, the good ole think tank-hedge fund, Center for American Progress, in conjunction with the Clinton Foundation, the very same think tank that was conjured up to pump social media propaganda to implement their privatization agenda through social impact bonds, which are part of the federal investigations, and just so happens to be registered as a charity in the State of Michigan as "Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation",


Here is the link for the interactive study for Michigan and child care deserts.

This study was made really pretty, with lots of stratified, interactive data, to make it look really cool, so where is the meat?

Here it is:  This study is the launch of an entire strategic plan of land redevelopment because it always starts with the children.

Anything dealing with child policy is never vetted, as no one would ever do anything to harm a child, but I best there is a riveting scheme to maximize revenues implementing privatized human service programs in the assailing of education, property and industry.

Consider this study as a high quality geodemographic mining to create predictive modeling on the "best interests of the child", or rather how they can profit from this same targeted population, "The Poors, (always said with clinched teeth).

International investors are already locked and loaded in the so-called children's trust funds.

So, why is Detroit a "child care desert"?

A child care desert is just CAP's way of calling poor people poor without having to say the word poverty.

 I like my term, "The Poors", better.

Or, perhaps it is just a new term for gerrymandering political districts.

Well, for starters, Michigan, the last time I checked, only pays $2.51 an hour for daycare, which means, unless the caregiver operating at maximum capacity, they probably are still eligible for SNAP benefits.

Next, child care is for those who work, and since the jobs are at slave wages, with out of control auto insurance, someone is taking the bus to work, far away, because there are no jobs in the neighborhoods.

Then there are the homeless, whose children are eventually processed through foster care programs, which makes Detroit's children a targeted population to fraudulently bill federal programs like Medicaid, Targeted Case Management.

Foster care also is a form of child care, but, of course, the study failed to mention the number of foster care homes, residential institutions and group homes.

Last but not least to consider is that Detroit has, the last time I checked, the highest rates of cognitive and psychological developmental disabilities in the world, which means these child caregivers are not trained, qualified, nor get paid enough to take care of special needs children.

So, this is why these predictive modeling studies are popping up in Detroit, for the strict purposes of redesigning a geopolitical region, to garner the best interests of the child, through social impact bonds, of course.

This entire CAP study could have easily been conducted using economic indicators of poverty, a policy study of why the population of "The Poors" is exponentially expanding, with new members everyday, who are losing their homes to public corruption, but if they did that, who would invest in their children's trust funds?

Detroit is ripe for the pickings to maximize revenues through fraudulent federal funding of privatized initiatives and the plan to make Detroit a child care desert was intentional.

Bankole: Detroit is now tagged as  ‘child care desert’

Any discussion on Detroit’s future is undoubtedly incomplete without examining the amenities, experiences and challenges of the city’s youngest population — children as young as 5 or under — who deserve to be well cared for.

 Children are crucial to repopulating a city like ours with a declining population, more so when families are usually drawn to cities that place top priority on the young population, creating the environment that promotes their safety, healthy growth and well-being.

 But a new report released in late August by liberal think tank Center for American Progress (CAP), has labeled Detroit a “child care desert,” which simply means that it is a city with very limited or no licensed care service for kids. CAP estimates 59 percent of children under five reside in neighborhoods with a scarcity of childcare providers.

 “The supply of licensed child care is pretty low in all parts of Detroit, with the exception being downtown and Midtown. Of course, those are areas where there are few families, so perhaps that’s not surprising,” said Rasheed Malik, one of the authors of the report.

“Our estimate is that 29,040 children under five live in Detroit’s child care deserts.” And which areas specifically are most affected by the lack of child care?

 “Southwest and Mexicantown have a lot of kids and very few child care providers. This may be the area with the lowest supply relative to the child population.

The areas north of Hamtramck (NorHam, Grixdale, Davison, Pershing) are also heavily populated with families but have nowhere near enough child care options,” Malik said.

“Another trouble area is in the northeast part of Detroit (Denby, Burbank, Mount Olivet).” The ramification of this report is far reaching hence it raises serious questions about the ability of children in the mentioned areas to perform well in school and escape the poverty net.

 “Early childhood is a critical period for brain development, and when we don’t provide healthy and stimulating environments for young kids to learn they can have trouble when they enter public school,” Malik said.

“Even when young children are playing, they are learning how to interact with learning environments.

So even the little things have big impacts later in childhood and even adulthood.

Things like literacy, language, and early math skills have their roots in the kind of active play learning environments that quality child care curricula prioritize.” He added: “Without quality child care options, many families in child care deserts are forced to make less than ideal choices about child care so that they can go to work and provide for their families.

It would not surprise me if the city and state’s underinvestment in child care has played a part in the challenges that many children face when they get into Detroit’s public schools.” Asked if the CAP study looked at any significant steps Detroit has taken to address this issue, Malik said it remains to be seen.

 “I’m not aware of any child care policy choices that the city of Detroit has made on child care. I know that they have some pre-kindergarten slots and they also sponsor some Head Start classrooms, which is great,” Malik said.

“But the need far outstrips the supply. When it comes to child care, Michigan has been investing more under Gov. Snyder than in previous years, but not nearly enough from our point of view. The Great Start Readiness Program is a step in the right direction, but the overall public investment is just too low.”

 And when it comes to child care assistance, he described the state as having “one of the stingiest in the nation. Child care assistance is only available to the poorest families, and it doesn’t cover much of the cost, only reimbursing providers $3.25 an hour for three-year-olds.”

 One of the promises Mayor Mike Duggan made four years ago while running for mayor was increasing the city’s population. Four years later, that has not happened.

It will be difficult to see through that promise if Detroit continues down the road of limited care for children being raised in the city.

 Let’s face it.

Why would any family want to move into the city if they cannot be guaranteed child care services in neighborhoods?

 Families who reside in the areas highlighted in the CAP study need help now because the absence of childcare in their communities is directly tied to the educational success of their children.

 It takes no rocket science to figure out that an environment greatly impacts a child’s future, and if many Detroit kids are barely graduating from high school, we need to look at the root causes and begin to address them.

And the lack of adequate childcare would be among the culprits for the poor performance of some kids in school while their suburban counterparts would be expected to excel because childcare in their communities is never an issue.

 This report should remind the drivers of the city’s comeback that the road to recovery is long; Detroit’s compounding issues did not just start overnight.

Yet, every administration that comes and goes presents a laundry list of things it wants to accomplish.
This time around, the nurturing and safety of Detroit’s children should come first on that list.

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