
Sunday, February 26, 2017

Hack Foster Care Summit: "Maximizing Revenues, IT Style".

I had significant reservations jumping on this #HackFosterCare bandwagon when it first came out due to the echo chamber of voices, straight out of college.

There were never any discussions pertaining to the rampant fraud, waste and abuse when it comes to fictitious programs, doctored data, or the undocumented human rights violations in foster care.
Of course, there is a famous case, affectionately called, the "Right To Lie" , where, in a nutshell, foster care workers are arguing the right to lie in child abuse and neglect cases, for the best interests of the child, of course.

I called it out as a legal pass for filing false claims.

But, do these Hack Foster Care advocates even mention fraud detection and reporting mechanisms?


This is what has led me to believe there are alternative motivations for promoting an initiative based on dirty data, non-cited, of course, and its failure to even mention the cognitive and psychological developmental impairments this population of youth have experienced due to the trauma of being ripped from families and moved around from a  multitude of foster homes.

Click here to compare the Hack Foster Care Summit sources to an actually 2011 study.

There is nothing in the scope of this summit, from what I have gathered to even address human trafficking, which is the real population these programs are targeting, or the realities of living in poverty.

Ultimately, in my distorted, yet on point, obviational mind, I spot another human tracking database.

This database has the neotin characteristics for predictive modeling.

Predictive modeling in child welfare is a way of monitoring targeted populations as future human capital in the form of billable services. (i.e. prisons, foster care, military troops, public education and health care appropriations and funding).

There have even been macabre predictions that these optimizing databases are also integrated with other computerized data systems which monitor the health, legal and financial welfare of the targeted population, considering that these youths are still wards of the state.

And, considering the fact that child welfare operates devoid of any public scrutiny, there are yet to even be established program constraints regarding fair and accurate reporting, external audits, and civil rights protections and reporting.

All in all, since there seems to be a significant interest in this Hack Foster Care re-engineering development within the tech communities, I will continue to monitor.

I just do not understand how one can "re-engineer" something that is a residual of the peculiar institution and has never been analyzed.

Wait, I retract that statement.  Yes, I do know how the #HackFosterCare Summit can re-engineer foster care, and it is all about maximizing revenues, circumventing any fraud controls, IT style, which means you cannot audit for false claims nor criminally prosecute these privatized corporations.


I will be putting out more information on predictive modeling being the newest form of federal money hustle in the near future because no one else is qualified nor finds ending federal fraud to be fun.

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1 comment:

  1. FYI. This is the Google Foundation, because the Clinton Foundation is nothing but a corporate shape shifter and need a a new home, San Diego, to cash those Detroit Land Bank Authority checks.
