
Friday, June 21, 2013

Wayne County Clerk To Intervene In Hamtramck Elections

June 21, 2013

(HAMTRAMCK, MI) ~ On June 20, 2013, Judge Patricia Perez Fresard granted the Wayne County Clerk to intervene in a case filed by Hamtramck City Council Candidate, Beverly Tran.

According to the complaint, Tran, filing in the Third Judicial Circuit identifies violations of the Michigan Open Meeting Act and Michigan Election Law because the City Bureau of Elections Commission does not meet nor does the City have any election policy.

Tran filed multiple challenges against candidate nomination petition filings but found there was no Election Commission to issue rulings.  She also alleges numerous violations of Election Law in the operations of elections.

Tran issued the following statement:

“People did not only die for the right to vote, they also died for the right to be elected.”
Last week Tran’s water was shut off without notice, her electrical lines were cut and doors kicked in.  She has lost the majority of her possessions.  As a matter of safety she is no longer in the property.

Hearing is scheduled for June 28, 2013 to expedite Tran’s request for injunction and ruling on her candidate nomination challenges for removal from the ballot.

Ballots are printed with candidate names 45 days prior to the Primary Election.
Michigan Bureau of Elections has yet to respond on whether it will be enjoining the case. 

Case #:13-007372-CZ

Beverly Tran v. Hamtramck B... by Beverly Tran on Scribd

Voting is beautiful, be beautiful ~ vote.©

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