
Monday, June 3, 2013

Michigan Governor Snyder Finds Hamtramck Will Have Emergency Manager

Michigan Governor Rick Snyder has completed the next to final leg in the appointment of an emergency financial manager for the City of Hamtramck.

The city has the opportunity the challenge the decision.  The question that should be on the minds of everyone should be, "Why would the city legally challenge the determination of the Governor when it was the city who initially requested the intervention of a review in the first place?"

In the event the city does file legal challenges, this would mean the city will incur another wasteful cost of attorney fees all based on the pathetic lack of foresight the city attorney to have properly advised council of the financial residuals of its initial action to request this state review.

The city could have waited.  It could have saved some money.

There is so much more to this situation.  Stay tuned.  Multiple jurisdictions are watching the salacious tale unfold...
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