
Monday, February 3, 2020

Happy Black History Month: Help Me Exonerate Andrea Shea King From Being Implicated In A Plausible "Death Wish" Conspiracy Of John Conyers

I only recently found this post on my Public Facebook Page on the Death of John Conyers, Jr.

On October 20, 2019, the great Andrea Shea-King left the following message of condolences on my page in wake of the news of the death of my Sweetie:

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John Conyers now as dead as the district he once represented
First up, Congressman John Conyers has died at the age of 90.
Aside from being the longest-serving black Congressman and being a typical crackpot leftist eager to undermine our foreign policy abroad and sow discord at home, his career highlights include corruption and ethics violations involving him and his wife as well as sexual harassment and abuse charges that ultimately led to his resignation in late 2017.
Like virtually all long-serving elected officials that represent inner cities, they leave their constituencies in utter shambles and their bank accounts flush with cash.
Well, fresh off Elijah Cummings' joining of the Choir Invisible, at least we have another Wellstone-like Nuremberg Rally for the Left to bash Trump and America to endure. -- JJ Sefton, The MORnING REPORT
On January 24, 2020, Investigative Journalist, George Webb, launched Andrea's ascent to become a Superstar in the annals of history.

But, when I found out that Andrea wished death upon my Sweetie, years prior, just like Nolan Finley, in specification of a hanging, I felt it only proper to document her legacy.

She has quite the fanbase, too.
WorldNetDaily commentator and fringe radio host Andrea Shea King wants to punish elected officials who plan to skip Benjamin Netanyahu’s controversial address to the U.S. Congress tomorrow…by putting them to death.

King said on her radio program last month that such officials shouldn’t just “pay with their jobs” but should also “pay with their lives.”  "hanging from a noose right in front of the U.S. Capitol Building."

“I would like to think that these guys could pay with their lives, hanging from a noose in front of the U.S. Capitol Building,” she said. “What they are doing is they are putting their own interests above that of America, and to me that is criminal.”

King specifically suggested hanging members of the Congressional Black Caucus, saying “their districts are all dumb clucks because these dumb clucks wouldn’t be electing these people if they knew better.”
I shall assume that I am a dumb cluck, that is until Andrea is exonerated from being implicated in a plausible death wish conspiracy of my Sweetie, with an opportunity to bear witness.
“How do people like this get to represent us in Congress?” she asked. “Because there are stupid people out there in those congressional districts who are so ignorant it’s dangerous…. Stupid, stupid people. Our lives are on the line and all they can think of is skin color. All of us will turn black if we end up in a cage on fire.”

We should also ask Andrea to tell us everything she knows about Detroit, as she seems to be a subject matter expert on how and why the Bankruptcy came to happen.

I bet Andrea knows about the Detroit Land Bank Authority, too.

We must definitely ask her that.


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