
Saturday, January 11, 2020

Why Are There So Many Homeless Children & Failing Schools - Because Betsy DeVos, et al, Planned It

I just busted one of her precious, experimental data collection schools for homeless and age out foster youth schools in a Medicaid Fraud in Child Welfare scheme.

The Director over there at Covenant House, who just happens to be from Malta, is using dirty data to promulgate her agenda of the foreign invasion.

Someone needs to ask Betsy about RDV and her other real estate fraud schemes where she and her co-conspirators acquired properties from fake ass foreclosures through the Kent County Land Bank, and Detroit Land Bank Authority, flipped them four or seven times in fake ass mortgages, wiped out in quiet titles, where the money is run out the country, probably through Spectrum Health.

Go ahead, I am waiting for the first reporter to actually do a real interview with her.

Here is the link to find everything you wanted to know about her pending situation with the falling of the heavens.


Yes, that is correct, Betsy forecasted that the U.S. would experience an increase of homeless and foster children.

Has anyone ever asked her how she was able to do that?

Has anyone ever asked her about the Michigan Children's Trust Fund?

Has anyone ever asked her how all that stolen child welfare money from the schools is ending up going through the RNC funding campaigns, like Trump's campaign?

Here is that link, again.


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