
Wednesday, May 1, 2019

WAR CRIMES: Michigan Office Of Children's Ombudsman - Why Trafficking Of Tiny Humans Calculates A Foster Care Death As A Statistical Error - Happy National Foster Parents Month


The Office of Children's Ombudsman is a poorly constructed cover up operation that is powerless, to the point that their reports are not allowed to be entered into a court of record, they do not refer anything for suspected, alleged, violations of law or policy, and absolutely will not refer to the State Attorney General for Medicaid fraud in child welfare.

These people allowed the murderers of Ricky Holland to adopt his siblings, during a murder investigation, and not a damn thing has been done.

Look at Calysta Springer.

I know these kids.

"The Elected Ones" did nothing.

The State Attorney General did nothing.

The Governor did nothing.

DOJ did nothing.

FBI did nothing.

HHS OIG did nothing.

There are many children who were not fortunate enough to die.

There were two who survived.

Well, there was one who died, and lived, then died again, then lived, then died again, then lived...

So, I embarked on my mission.

The Office of Children's Ombudsman used to have a category called "Valid-Not-Open" meaning, a complain of a child being tortured and trafficked in foster care is valid, but due to budget constraints and personal self-interests, there will be no investigation.

If there were investigations, there would be found billions upon billions in Medicaid fraud in child welfare, and as we all know, the system is too big to fail, for it is nothing but the residuals of the peculiar institution, maximizing revenue for foreign corporations, in the name of the tax exempt god.

These people make you pray as your child is being drugged as a lab rat and being raped, nightly.

Where is Maura Corrigan?

'Huge concern': 206 child deaths not reported to watchdog

LANSING, Mich. (WOOD) — Eighteen months after Target 8 exposed a gap
 in Michigan’s child death reporting system, a state audit is demanding a fix.
A report released Tuesday by Michigan’s Auditor General found Michigan’s Department of Health and Human Services failed to notify a watchdog promptly of 206 child deaths from 2014 through 2017.

That watchdog, the Office of Children’s Ombudsman, is an independent agency mandated by state law to review the deaths of children who have had recent contact with Michigan’s foster care, child welfare or child protection system. The goal is to identify if Children's Protective Services caseworkers failed to follow policy or could have done things differently to better protect the child. 
But the ombudsman can’t conduct those reviews if MDHHS fails to notify the watchdog of qualifying deaths.

"It’s certainly a huge concern that these child death alerts were missed because it’s important that we’re the oversight for (CPS within MDHHS)," said Lisa McCormick, the recently appointed head off the Office of Children’s Ombudsman.

McCormick stressed the OCO ultimately did receive and review all of the unreported death cases.
"There were 206 cases that we went back and reviewed, but the important thing to note is that we did review them, and that MDHHS came to the table and they worked with us to make sure we were getting all the cases," she said.

In recent years, on average, the ombudsman received 267 child death alerts annually.
The 206 missed alerts comprised 20% of the total death cases reported over a four-year period.
The audit also urged the ombudsman to find ways to independently identify child deaths that require OCO reviews.

"The auditors made a valid point, which is why we have auditors to improve our procedures, to tell us this is a deficit, this is a hole that’s missing, let’s address it and move forward," McCormick said.

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