
Wednesday, May 22, 2019

JUDICIARY: Markup of: H.R. 2820, the “Dream Act of 2019”; H.R. 2821, the “American Promise Act of 2019”; and H.R. 549, the “Venezuela TPS Act of 2019”.

Not one mention of parental rights when it comes to citizenship.

They debate and orate between the merits of the word "shall" yet never mention the children.

There are many, many other ways for individuals to openly enter our country, where many are quite hospitable like coming in a a child servant, a child bride or adoption.

As a matter of fact, children who have no citizenship through judicial determination in the legal severance of parental rights, are placed under the jurisdiction of the States, under someone like the Superintendent of the Michigan Children's Institute, who then contracts out to foreign, private corporations, who file legal guardianship over the children who were wards of the state, but now wards who have been spirited away on UCC Public Private Partner-Ships to their foreign lands to be deposited in their own children's trusts.

Here are some things these "Legal Geniuses" (trademark pending) can legally masticate:

If a tree falls in the forest, does it make a sound?
If a State Court terminates parental rights, what is the nationality of the child now under the legal guardianship of a foreign corporation?
What is the sound of one hand clapping?

These people are absolutely clueless.

Absolutely fascinating.

H.R.6 - American Dream and Promise Act of 2019

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