
Sunday, May 5, 2019

Happy Foster Care Propaganda Month - Nancy Does Not Talk About The Industry Of Trafficking Tiny Humans

Nancy speaks upon helping Medicaid special needs children as an investment, like someone lifted some of my taglines.

She speaks of early education is good for the Treasury.

But she says nothing about foster care and adoption.

As a matter of fact, Nancy says nothing about the industry of trafficking tiny humans, or rather what really goes on in our child welfare system like funding political campaigns and their foreign child welfare NGOs they use for funding more programs for stealin' the children, the land and the votes.

Talk about Backpage, Nancy.

Talk about using foster children as human lab rats.

Talk about the homeless children and their parents that were victims of your TARP insurrection scheme.

Talk about the Nasty Ones who are the ones who do the University research of predictive modeling crap of human asset management of tiny humans.

Talk about the Nasty Ones who are legitimizing their predictive modeling crap studies that are marketed through a pretty shiny brochure and a snappy website.

Talk about the foreign corporations that have taken over all our Child Placing Agencies in Foster Care and Adoption.

Talk about how there are no civil rights in child welfare.

Talk about child trafficking and the nasty things the Nasty Ones who are the foster parents because they never got caught.

Talk about how you use Child Protective Services as a military operation to target individuals, in Targeted Populations.

Talk about how much money you funneled into your foreign children's trusts, Nancy.

Talk about how much Medicaid fraud in child welfare money was laundered through the DNC.


First, they make the people poor by running some research crap out our U.S. universities based upon foreign, typically Israeli research.

Then they come up with a fancy marketing op to validate the research and the need for more federal legislation to fund the research through Medicaid.

Voting is beautiful, be beautiful ~ vote.©

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