
Friday, May 17, 2019

DOJ: Barr Announces The New Conjugal Collaborative

There should have been trumpets.

I prefer the term, "Conjugal Collaborative".

Attorney General William P. Barr Announces Creation of the State and Local Law Enforcement Coordination Section

WASHINGTON – On May 2, 2019, Attorney General William P. Barr approved the creation of the State and Local Law Enforcement Coordination Section (SLEC-S) within the Office of Legislative Affairs. As of June 3, 2019, the SLEC-S will be responsible for ensuring that Department leadership is properly informed of state and local law enforcement’s top priorities, while working to ensure that the Department has an impactful presence within the state and local law enforcement community. SLEC-S will serve as the primary liaison with state and local law enforcement, and all supporting entities.
“State, local, and federal law enforcement officers are all a part of the same team," Attorney General William P. Barr said. "The events of Police Week serve as a powerful reminder that the vast majority of this team serves on the front lines — at the state and local levels. In order to further strengthen the Department of Justice's relationships with our state and local law enforcement partners, I am pleased to announce that the Department has established a State and Local Law Enforcement Coordination Section. This new Section will have primary responsibility for maintaining relationships with law enforcement throughout the country and will ensure that Department leadership maintains an active and ongoing dialogue with our law enforcement partners as we work together to develop policies designed to keep our country safe and secure.”
The SLEC-S will begin by developing a strategic plan for direct engagement between the Department and the state and local law enforcement community. The Section will work to ensure that the Department is represented at all relevant conferences and forums and that there is direct and timely outreach to survivors of fallen officers. The Section will also support Department components on relevant legislative and policy issues affecting local law enforcement partners. The Section will coordinate with the Department’s Intergovernmental and Public Liaison, who will continue to work with state Attorneys General and other state and local elected officials, and will include members from law enforcement components within the Department of Justice.

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