
Tuesday, May 21, 2019

AEI: How To Pitch The Maura Corrigan Gaming The System Using Medicaid Funding For More Child Welfare Propaganda In Public Policymaking

Oh, those rascals over there at the Maura Corrigan Think Tank called the American Enterprise Institute are at it again!

I busted them doing that pre-emptive money pitch for their next scheme they came up with to run those Social Impact Bond seminars in their Faith Based Funded propaganda network they like to now call "the importance of social capital for public policy making".

Sometimes I call it propaganda.

Sometimes I call it a foreign invasion.

Sometimes I call it the work of the Lord.

Sometimes I call it predictive modeling crap.

Either way, you have got to given them credit for re-engineering the residuals of the peculiar institution for corporate parental rights.


But, sometimes, just sometimes, I believe they are only trying to raise legal defense funds for #warcrimes, but hey, what do I know?

I know these people only care about stealin' children, land and votes.

Testimony: On the importance of social capital for public policymaking

Statement before the Joint Economic Committee

Voting is beautiful, be beautiful ~ vote.©

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