
Tuesday, April 23, 2019

SCOTUS To Address Dirty Data In 2020 Census On Trafficking Tiny Humans Asset Management

I believe we are on the road to a constitutional crisis.

There are people who do not want a citizenship question, because it could be used as evidence in false claims to Medicaid fraud in child welfare, because that is how the industry of trafficking tiny humans likes to maximize revenues in the best interests of the child, because it is how our great country was built, because no one cares.

I do not post this video to watch people exercise peaceful assembly to engage in free speech in front of SCOTUS, I post this video to teach people that it is no longer acceptable to traffic tiny humans, because, before you are a man, you are a child.

This is about the humans who are more than willing to snatch and sell a child in the name of god.

If the States cannot even keep track of the children in its foster care systems, how does the Census claim to remedy the outstanding questions, floating around about adoption, international adoption, the children's trust funds?

For example, if a foreign corporate parent has privately contracted with a state foster care system and has over 700 children in its legal custody, then what is the citizenship of the child?

That is a question for Bethany Christian and its glorious leader, Betsy DeVos.

Watch them.

All of them.

Even the Justices, because this is about chattel law, the residuals of the peculiar institution, because slavery was never abolished, because it is legal to snatch and sell tiny humans, even the personae, or rather identities and dirty data.

This is about Voting Rights and all its Acts.

This is about the
Sarcane shipping labels of the hierarchal classificaation of one's status in society based upon property ownership, more intuitively known as race labeling.

You can manipulate data to make it say what you want, which is how the 2016 election was rigged, and failed.....oh, just stay tuned.

Voting is beautiful, be beautiful ~ vote.©

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