
Saturday, October 13, 2018

Another Michigan Authority Corporate Shape Shifter Stealin' Teachers' Pensions - Michigan Municipal Risk Management Authority


I believe I have found another one of those "authorities" which has complete and unfettered access to all your data, with absolutely no one to be accountable.


Another Corporate Shape Shifter because they are not incorporated but they are using that Public Private Partnership model to make them look all official and stuff.

Our Members 
Manchester Municipal Risk Management Authority
MMRMA began in 1980 when three member entities pooled their resources to secure insurance coverage in 1980. Those founding members were Redford Township, Livingston County, and the City of Ishpeming. Today, MMRMA's membership is comprised of more than 375 local governmental entities across Michigan, including the three founders. 
Our members' contributions, both financial and otherwise, make MMRMA possible. Member employees serve on MMRMA's Board of Directors, standing committees, and risk control advisory committees. Their efforts, in conjunction with the expertise of MMRMA's claims, risk control, and other staff, have made MMRMA an ongoing success story. 
There are three basic types of MMRMA members:
 — These members each maintain a self-insured retention for the first layer of coverage. Individual members account for the majority of general fund contributions.
State Pool Members — Made up of smaller municipalities and public entities, the State Pool functions collectively to maintain a single, combined retention fund. This structure allows smaller communities and departments to participate in MMRMA's programs and services. 
Affiliated Members — The Michigan Community College Risk Management Authority (MCCRMA) contracts with MMRMA for risk-related services and coverage. MMRMA's individual and state pool members include over 200 cities, counties, townships, and special districts combined, as well as dozens of other governmental entities, including libraries, medical care facilities, fire departments, 911/dispatch departments, courts, transportation departments, and cable services.

They are not incorporated in the U.S. which includes the State of Michigan.

So, I am just going to go out there and guess, because there is no citation of legal authority other than their own self proclaimed authority they put on their website, and speculate, for lack of a better word, that another entity is cashing the membership fee checks, and the corporate sponsorship checks, but I could always stand to be corrected.

Yup, looks like I was right.

They have UCC liens which means there is probably some real estate they stole through a land bank, or asset forfeiture, not that I am stating that it was the Detroit Land Bank Authority because I cannot pull the files to verify because the Secretary of State redid the site access and made you redo all your passwords, and there are fake mortgages involved, which I believe is their legal instrument of "authority"...under the laws of the State of Michigan.

I only say that because the Detroit Land Bank Authority used the exact same model.

These people just love them some transposable models.

Now, all we have to do is find out who was cashing their checks for them.

Perhaps, it is the Michigan Community College Risk Management Authority who cashes the checks, but, then I checked, they are not incorporated, either.

But, I did see this:
The Michigan Community College Risk Management Authority (MCCRMA) was organized in 1985 when the first two member colleges, Schoolcraft College and Oakland Community College, entered into a Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement thus officially establishing the Authority. Since then, the Authority has grown to include 20 Michigan Community Colleges located throughout the state.
And Henry Ford Community College and Michigan Public School Employees' Retirement pensions are even up in this.

So, basically, what we have is an audit of Mid Michigan Community College under the Michigan Community College Risk Management Authority which is under the Michigan Municipal Risk Management Authority which has access to all municipal police information systems, which has a UCC lien and is probably a foreign operation which is why they are stealin'.

I could be wrong, but I doubt it because it is the exact same thing they did in Michigan State University and in Detroit.

Quintessentially, from what I have gathered, the reason why teacher pensions are being sucked dry and tuition keeps increasing is due to another complex financial fraud scheme, ergo, they were stealin'.

I bet this could be considered election interference when we find out what they are doing with those UCC liens, because I found them on the Michigan Chiefs of Police Association which leads me to believe this has something to do with asset forfeiture, like real estate, but hey, what do I know?

I know Plante Moran should know better than to put their names on this audit.

UPDATE: A Little Creature of the Streets whispered in the ear of the Celestial Goddess of the Woodshed to tell her that DEA and CIA were seizing drug houses and handing them out to local law enforcement to run ops. I am quite sure there were are a few bad apples in the barrel, but hey, what do I know?

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