
Friday, September 21, 2018

Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette Launches Stage One Investigation Into Christians Trafficking Tiny Humans

Oh, Bill.... are you trying to do the right thing?

I know you know I know you know....

The Michigan Attorney General's Office is launching Stage One.

Yes, you heard me, correctly, Stage One.

The sex abuse scandal, the term the media is calling it, is international, and it involves child porn, child sex trafficking, and some really nasty stuff that uncloaks the international network all the way to the Holy See and the Vatican Bank, and comes right back home to Michigan, but that is probably Stage Four of the investigation.

Yes, this is not just about Catholic Churches because it is going to include Mosques and Temples, too.

They stole the children, the land and the votes.

This is about privatization in child welfare through schools, foster care, adoption and all the privately contracted service corporations.

This is about an international network operating under chattel law, and it has been going on for centuries because we are a christian nation, remember.

This is about human trafficking.

Let us see what Bill can do because Gretchen does not have a freaking clue about anything related to trafficking tiny humans in her talking point memos because they are funding her campaign.

To make an announcement of this magnitude, at the threshold of your gubernatorial election, is an act of falling on your sword for "The Poors" (always said with clinched teeth).

Your favorite Public Nuisance is honored, I humbly bow.

You may not win your election, but we welcome you to the annals of history in civil rights with open arms.


Michigan AG Schuette opens priest sex abuse investigation

Bill Schuette embracing his future of ending
trafficking of tiny humans
The Michigan Attorney General's Office announced today it has launched a statewide investigation into sexual abuse in the Catholic Church.

The office posted on its website today that it now has an open investigation into whether clergy in the Catholic Church in Michigan committed acts of abuse against children.

"The Michigan Department of Attorney General has determined that a full and complete investigation of what happened within the Catholic Church is required," it reads on the Attorney General's website. "This investigation is and will continue to be independent, thorough, transparent, and prompt. My department and this investigation will find out who knew what, and when."

The investigation was first reported by Wood TV, which had filed a FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) requesting documents related to several cases of abuse.

A spokesperson for Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette confirmed to the Free Press the investigation was launched in August and announced today.

"You may also call the investigation hotline at 844-324-3374 (Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.) or send information by email."

In its response to Wood TV's FOIA request, Michigan Attorney General's Office said "please be informed that the Department of Attorney General opened an investigation in August 2018 into the alleged sexual abuse and assault of children and others by Catholic priests from 1950 to the present for all seven Catholic dioceses in Michigan. In addition, the investigation includes religious order priests who have worked in Michigan. The investigation will also include any allegations related to the cover up of sexual abuse or assault."

The Attorney General added: "The Department has established two reporting mechanisms for those who may be victims or have information regarding alleged sexual misconduct. First, a website has been established to allow for confidential reporting of information: Second, the Department’s investigation hotline is prepared to receive information at 844-324-3374 (Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.)."

In a statement today, the Archdiocese of Detroit, which overseas 1.3 million Catholics in southeastern Michigan, welcomed the probe. It said: "The Archdiocese of Detroit welcomes the Attorney General's investigation and is prepared to fully cooperate. We have worked closely with authorities from all six counties within our archdiocese since 2002, when we shared past case files involving clergy misconduct and committed to turning over all new allegations regardless of when the alleged abuse occurred. The Attorney General investigation is the next phase of our commitment to transparency and healing."

The Archdiocese of Detroit added: "We have full confidence in our safe environment policies put in place and carefully followed for more than 15 years. We remain committed to protecting everyone – especially children and vulnerable adults – and therefore look forward to working closely with officials to determine if there is more we can do to accomplish this goal."

The move by Michigan's Attorney General comes after a report last month by the Pennsylvania Attorney General detailed extensive abuse of children by Catholic priests in that state. Other states have launched similar investigations.

The Michigan Attorney General also has open investigations into the Flint water crisis and Michigan State University over abuse by Larry Nassar and others.

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