Thursday, March 14, 2019

Woodrow Wilson School of Public & International Affairs, Princeton University Wipes Out More Detroit Civil Rights Legacy By Publishing Michigan Privatization Voting Rights Gerrymandering Crap - Come Smell It

The following report is by a group of students, and a very interesting group of individuals from Michigan.

This is not what happened in the 2010 redistricting of Michigan.

This is not what happened in the 2016 election.

Then, the report furthers some really weird outputs when it comes to previous years voting patterns, particularly the interpretation of voting rights, or rather the method in which they chose to rewrite civil rights history, in Detroit, again.

Obama & Holder: The National Democratic Redistricting Committee

That is when you recognize the stench of a Colored Revolution.

Then, there is this thing called frequencies, or rather how many times you can come big balling with a rolled out production of some top notch predictive modeling crap.

Michigan Ivory Tower Smarty Pants Profess Their Crap On Privatizing Gerrymandering By Failing To Address Election Fraud Or Detroit Land Bank Authority

They did not even properly set up their methodologies.

Who paid for this crap?

There was not one single mention of forced migration resulting from fraudulent property tax and mortgage fraud scam in Detroit.

The report focuses on the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and does not mention the name of the individual who has championed this his entire existence?

Can you smell the crap?

There was not one single mention of the federal investigation of the 13th Congressional District Office, which is public information in House Ethics, referred to the U.S. Office of Inspector General of the Department of Justice, who has been parceling out in referrals to the Districts.


Mark Brewer?

Come on.

You know this is some #perkinscoiesucks operation.

No photo description available.I formally enter this into the record as crap, fraud, propaganda, evidence into the *russian/israeli/ukranian* election interference because you know who pays #perkinscoiesucks.

I wonder if these senior graduate students got into Woodrow Wilson School of Public & International Affairs, Princeton University from the "Mummy & Daddy" college admissions scandal.

DOJ: Arrests Made in Nationwide College Admissions Scam: Alleged Exam Cheating & Athletic Recruitment Scheme

I smell fear.

Do you smell fear?


Maybe because the malodorous stench of this crap is so overpowering.
Voting is beautiful, be beautiful ~ vote.©

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